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Ping-pong table and its accessories printed in 3D While we were imagining printing furniture with large volume 3D printers such as BigRep One, Janne Kyattanen who, as former

Creative Director at Freedom Of Creation, a company acquired by 3D Systems, is probably working jointly with Will.I.Am, presented a fully 3D printed ping-pong game set.

Presented at the VIVID Art Gallery, the "Deceptor" table, specially designed for outdoor use, features resolutely modern and functionally innovative rackets and balls. Photo gallery of the "Deceptor" table tennis table I have the impression that the handle of the rackets is more design than ergonomic.

On the other hand, the face-to-face allows special shots worthy of a video game and the ball pierced with micro holes allowing the air to pass through allows the wind to slip through and thus deflect its trajectory randomly. So it is a new futuristic way of playing table tennis that is emerging with this kind of artistic kit.
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