
Chou Dragon Boy Mobile Lengends MMD DL

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Wax printing, but not just candles A new type of raw material will soon be democratized: wax. Today, Sculpteo, a young French company specializing in 3D printing, unveils this technology.

Because if wax has been around for a very long time, the formula had to be adapted to use it in the 3D printing process. Wax is known to melt from a certain temperature and therefore allows possibilities that are still impossible with different plastics.

With a melting point above 100°C, this polymer allows new shapes and therefore the creation of even more eccentric objects. wax gives a very smooth surface and a very fine level of detail with layers of 25 microns thick. Only the strength of the wax is a negative point.

3D wax printing could be used to create moulds, based on the principle of plaster cast on a model to create shapes (for example when you want to reproduce a face or another part of the body). Thanks to its properties, it would be possible to cover a wax model with a more traditional material (for example plastic or metal) and then melt the wax to obtain the finished object without its mold. once again, the possibilities seem limitless!source

Dl link here.

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